
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2013


TREATMENT PRIOR TO REGRET: My respectable friends! This is decided that we have to die; someone regrets throughout his life, some regret for a year; some regret for a day. You dint eat food at home; no one else offered you food outside; it was regretted the whole day. People sowed wheat/rice; I dint do it. Now they are harvesting and bringing wheat and rice to their homes. I dint put in effort, I dint sow; I regretted the whole year. Similarly, some regret the whole day, some throughout the year and some forever and ever that they wasted their life in ignorance……!

SUBMISSIVENESS IN OLD AGE IS ALSO A BLESSING: A pious being said, “The remembrance of grave and death in senility and being attentive towards Allah, cannot happen without the company of a devout, otherwise heart becomes more cold in old age” This thought which you acquired of Allah; be it in young age or old, or while failing or in success, it cannot come without the grace of Allah or the company of a devout.
HALAL HAS VALUE: Therefore Allah’s men! We all have to die; death is reality. Our death is similar to how we slaughter an animal. If we slaughter it with takbeer, it will be halal and if we slaughter it without the takbeer, a halal animal will also become haram. Muslim is halal as he is within Islam. He is better if he has spent life with kalmah and belief (imaan). If death arrives in this state, then his life and death is halal. Halal things have value; be it skin or flesh. Haram has no worth.
A THOUGHT PROVOKING PRECIOUS PEARL: I am sharing another pearl of the chaste men. “When we have to attend the courts, then we reach before the invitation of the host. Now let us compare that with when we receive an invitation from Allah’s house or Allah’s men, then how do we go?
Let me share another strange fact. Be it a call to the courts, stations, airport, airplane, bus, shop, office, land, business etc. We attend all these invitations and attend them warmly; do we have the same warmth for Allah and his religion…!?
LEARN TO GIVE UP NECESSITIES FOR YOUR AIM: I was waiting at Shadman signal. I saw a man applying cream on his beard to shave in the car. He had left the steering wheel and the car was at the signal. I was surprised. My inside called out. He has to go somewhere; in industry, trading or office. He is getting late and he is short of time. What is required of him is to be quick. His need is to shave. Right now it is his need and he has to fulfill his non-shariah need. He thought that if I will do it at home, it will consume a lot of time. There are signals everywhere; they will give me sufficient time to fulfill my need. Believer when spends his life according to beliefs, then he does fulfill all his needs but his final destination is death and akhirah, and to present himself in front of Allah; he has to go there but he reaches there after fulfilling his needs hastily. Those who attend to their needs hastily, they reach to their destination on time. If that person would have shaved luxuriously in the bathroom, then he would have gotten late. Similarly, convince your mind and heart and tell your heart that see! From today you have to be in touch with Allah. So, be prepared each moment for chaste gatherings.
SOUL AVOIDS WHICH GATHERINGS: A gentleman said to me, “I do not feel like attending the dars”. I said, “The reason is that you have no affiliation and affection with such gatherings. From childhood till now, you dint attended such gatherings and if you did attend any, there was no message in it. There are many gatherings and congregations but they do not give any message that what should be done now?  Some gatherings take place; they have everything but deliver no message as to what should be done now? What is our aim? For which cause Allah has sent us? Are you understanding my request? Now as this sermon of spirituality and peace is being organized, it has one or the other message. Our soul panics with such gatherings as it knows that some action will be taken. When some action would be taken, then something would be given up. You see Allah’s men! It said some action would be taken.
DIE BEFORE DEATH: A person said, “With you, one has to die 25 times daily. I asked how? He said you say that eyes should not go here, feet shouldn’t go there, ears shouldn’t go there, tongue shouldn’t go here. This should not go astray, this should not budge, this thing should not be here, it should not be like this etc. If this isn’t dying then what is it?
ITS ONE THING OF THE TWO: Either fulfill your desire or your creators; this is dying. It is therefore said that whoever dies before death, they are of top priority near Allah. They are superior, perfect and complete and my Creator is ready with everything and waiting to welcome them….. (To be continued)
Respected Hakeem Sahab
I am a cloth trader. I have a wholesale shop of cloth in the local market. My business was flourishing. Customers crowded my shop throughout the day. Suddenly, my business started declining and gradually came a day when not a single customer visited. I started remaining worried. Then a friend told me about you. I took an appointment and met you on the particular time. You ordered me to attend the sermon on Thursday, regularly for 21 sessions. Hakeem Sahab! I had attended 8 sermons, when I got such a huge wholesale order which I had not imagined. Gradually, my 21 sermons got complete and along with my business started booming than before. Now I regularly attend your sermon and benefit from it. [Muhammad Shabbir; LAHORE]

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